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set environment and terminal settings to current xterm window size

see also : tset - xterm


resize [ -u | -c ] [ -s [ row col ] ]

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Resizing the boot partition

Looks like you're installing a new kernel; those can be sizeable (~20+ MB, even when compressed). From the error, I think yum is telling you it needs 9 more MB than what you have available.

There are a few ways to fix this.

  • Remove old kernels. If you have multiple old kernels you're no longer using, you might be able to free up enough space to install the new one by uninstalling the very oldest kernel image. This will only work if you have 2 or more kernels installed, and assumes your system isn't actually using that oldest kernel image.

  • Relocate /boot to the root partition. You could relocate /boot from its own partition to a directory on the root partition (/). I'm not sure of the process -- I'd assume this would get the basic setup going, but you'd need another command to update your bootloader (Grub?) and alert it to the new location.

    These commands need root privs (use sudo with each, or get a root shell with su).

    1. make the new location
      mkdir /boot-new

    2. copy boot files
      ( cd /boot ; tar cf - . ) | ( cd /boot-new ; tar xvf - )
      (with sudo...)
      sudo sh -c "( cd /boot ; tar cf - . ) | ( cd /boot-new ; tar xvf - )"

    3. unmount separate partition -- maybe not doable without rebooting? maybe need to boot to a liveCD?
      umount /boot

    4. remove old boot directory, rename new
      mv /boot /boot-old
      mv /boot-new /boot

    5. edit /etc/fstab, comment out /boot partition line or change mountpoint to /boot-old

    6. missing step: reconfigure your bootloader to access /boot on /dev/sda7 instead of the old version on /dev/sda6.

  • Resize your /boot partition. You'll need a LiveCD for the task. Boot into it and run gparted. You'll probably need to resize your system partition slightly, then move it, to make room. I can't give you specifics without knowing the partition table.

    Expand the /boot partition to a size of at least 2-300MB to avoid having this problem again.

    Resizing system partitions can be dangerous. Make backups before you attempt it, and read up on what you are doing before you do it. This is my least recommended option.

  • Replace your system drive. Finally, if you've wanted a larger system hard drive, now is a great time to do so. In the process of copying partitions from the old drive to the new, you can expand the /boot partition. You'd use a LiveCD for this as well.

    Doing it this way is like resizing partitions, without the danger of corrupting your system root partition. Plus, if you're moving to a bigger hard drive, you get the chance to resize other partitions as needed.


How do I use command line and wmctrl to make a window larger than the screen to get a huge screenshot?

Just tested with import and a window extended beyond / bigger than the screen size; and it seems import will capture an image of the same size as the big window size -- unfortunately all pixels beyond the screen size, and all pixels covered by other windows, will be black.

So maybe the only way is to use xrandr to enlarge screen size (as in 'screen pannning') - or to use something else that will provide larger screen size: for instance, "How can I take browser screenshots at a higher resolution than my browser supports? - Super User" notes:

Use Xephyr to create a nested X session

(Xephyr is apparently in sudo apt-get install xserver-xephyr in Ubuntu)

Hope this helps,

Edit: yup, xrandr works with the usual printscreen for me (also with import, just needs enough space for a terminal to fit, so it doesn't overlap the target window), just note the Virtual size in xorg.conf (see "xrandr: screen cannot be larger than" ...)


How can I get Terminal to repaint the contents when I resize the terminal?

Since I posed this question, I've found a code-snippet out there that solves this.

I've tested it in RHEL5, and it is successfully solving the need I had. Thus, when get have a command output some text. Such as: ls -al you can then resize the window with your mouse more-or-less than 80 pixels, and the output with wrap onto the next line if theres not enough visible room on the screen, or unwrap to occupy just one line, as you widen your window.

Found it on:

tput lines
tput cols

echo $LINES

stty size
stty size | awk '{print $1}'    # lines
stty size | awk '{print $NF}'   # columns

stty size | cut -d" " -f1   # lines
stty size | cut -d" " -f2   # columns 

stty -a | awk '/rows/ {print $4}'      # lines
stty -a | awk '/columns/ {print $6}'   # columns

stty -a | sed -E -n -e 's/^.*[^[:digit:]]([[:digit:]]+)[[:space:]]+rows;.*$/\1/p;q;'
stty -a | sed -E -n -e 's/^.*[^[:digit:]]([[:digit:]]+)[[:space:]]+columns;.*$/\1/p;q;'

# automatically resize the Terminal window if it gets smaller than the default size

# positive integer test (including zero)
function positive_int() { return $(test "$@" -eq "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1 && test "$@" -ge 0 > /dev/null 2>&1); }

# resize the Terminal window
function sizetw() { 
   if [[ $# -eq 2 ]] && $(positive_int "$1") && $(positive_int "$2"); then 
      printf "\e[8;${1};${2};t"
      return 0
   return 1

# the default Terminal window size: 26 lines and 107 columns
sizetw 26 107

# automatically adjust Terminal window size
function defaultwindow() {


   if [[ $(/usr/bin/tput lines) -lt $DEFAULTLINES ]] && [[ $(/usr/bin/tput cols) -lt $DEFAULTCOLUMNS ]]; then
   elif [[ $(/usr/bin/tput lines) -lt $DEFAULTLINES ]]; then
      sizetw $DEFAULTLINES $(/usr/bin/tput cols)
   elif [[ $(/usr/bin/tput cols) -lt $DEFAULTCOLUMNS ]]; then
      sizetw $(/usr/bin/tput lines) $DEFAULTCOLUMNS

   return 0

# SIGWINCH is the window change signal
trap defaultwindow SIGWINCH    

sizetw 26 70
sizetw 10 107
sizetw 4 15

For some good reason, OSX (atleast in my current 10.7.2) seems to support resizing natively.


resize2fs seems stuck at pass 3 (scanning inode table) - what to do?

I finally figured out what it was. After cancelling the original resize (just a simple ctrl+C), I ran e2fsck -f -y /dev/sdb3 to correct any issues I made. I was able to mount the partition still under the original size, so no data was lost. I then ran resize2fs with the debug flag (resize2fs -d 14 <xxx>) and noticed that it was stuck in a constant loop trying to relocate a chunk of inodes.

I finally got it to work by using an older version of e2fsprogs. I put Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) on a USB stick, booted into it, installed the open-source rr232x drivers so I could manipulate the array, and ran the older version of e2fsprogs (resize2fs 1.41.9 (22-Aug-2009), to be exact).

I had originally tried the resize2fs -p /dev/sdb3 863000000, and it had told me that it required ~26 million blocks. So I took the target size, added that to it and did resize2fs -p /dev/sdb3 1000000000. 10 minutes later I'm greeted with the message:

/dev/sdb3 is now at 1000000000 blocks

Now I guess the ultimate question is why the newer version of e2fsprogs couldn't/wouldn't tell me that I was asking for too small a size (and why it offered a size that small in the first place)?


Enlarge partition on SD card

/dev/sdb is the device node pointing to the entire hard drive, and it starts at the first sector of the HDD. You need to point resize2fs to the specific partition you want to resize (apparently, in your case, /dev/sdb2).

FYI, using the console is not necessary if you have a graphical desktop. Just install gparted (you didn't indicate your Linux distro, so I don't know if it's available or, if so, what steps to install it). It will provide a user-friendly way to do this. You could also probably do it with the palimpsest Disk Utility on modern OSes.


Unable to resize (enlarge) Linux partition

I couldn't tell you for sure why you are not able to resize you partition (perhaps it thinks the drive is somehow in use?), but I can tell you what you can try to do to resize it some other way.

In my experience, drives are a lot more cooperative when you're not running something off of them. So what I would do is download a Linux Live CD of some kind that has a partitioning tool and boot to it and partition the drive from there. The GParted Live CD would probably be my choice of Live CD for this kind of thing, but most Linux Live CDs will work for this as long as they come with GParted or another partitioning tool.

All you need to to do is burn the disk image to a CD and then boot to it, and use GParted to try and resize the partition. If that still doesn't solve your problem, then try posting the output of sudo fdisk -l (that's a lowercase "L") at a Linux command line and a description of what is on each partition and maybe that'll give us some clues to the problem.


Issue after resizing partition for Fedora under VMware Fusion

In step 5 you're running 'lvm vgchange -a y'; shouldn't it be 'lvm vgchange -ay'? (i.e. no space between a and y)

Here's hoping it's that simple...


Problem with resizing Subwindows in Eclipse Xming combination

The solution suggested below works!

Go to:

Donate 10 hard earned pounds.

Receive an email with the up to date version of xming and portablePuTTY.

Start your eclipse and enjoy the sweet sweet satisfaction of being able to resize your child windows!

Original info found at:


Batch resize and compress PDF files

I'm suggesting a command line tool here, which can be easily batched with loops in built-in scripting languages in Windows, Linux, OS X, etc.

ImageMagick supports PDFs and has a resize option with its convert tool. I've never used it personally, but you can try to play around with that.

You can also use the compress option (there's an example here):

Rotate a PDF

$ convert -rotate 270 -density 300x300 -compress lzw in.pdf out.pdf

This assumes a TIFF-backed PDF. The density parameter is important because otherwise ImageMagick down-samples the image (for some reason). Adding in the compression option helps keep the overall size of the PDF smaller, with no loss in quality.

For multipage PDFs, you may want to use pdftk, then use mogrify from ImageMagick to convert each page in place:

$ pdftk in.pdf burst
$ mogrify -rotate 270 -density 300x300 -compress lzw pg_*.pdf
$ pdftk pg*.pdf cat output out.pdf
$ rm pg*.pdf

To convert PDF files with ImageMagick, you need to have GhostScript installed.

ImageMagick can convert multipage PDFs. While mogrify will convert in place, I recommend you use convert so you can keep the originals in case of accident.

I've done some testing on your provided sample PDF. This worked quite well for me:

convert -density 200 -compress jpeg -quality 20 test.pdf test2.pdf

Density defaults to 72 DPI. By setting it higher we can get a higher resolution and therefore acceptable quality. It looked alright at 150, and was a little smaller, but if you want to cater for a range of PDFs 200 should work.

JPEG compression should either auto choose a level or default to 92 on a scale of 1 to 100 with 100 being the best. Setting it at 20, it looks almost as good as the original (a little fuzzier and the small text at the bottom is a little hard to read, but it was originally anyway).

These options bring your 1.7MB sample down to 0.5MB, while keeping it readable. You can experiment a little.

If you want a smaller size (both of the file and of the image/PDF), you can use -resize #%, e.g. -resize 75%. On your example PDF, this makes the small print at the bottom pretty much unreadable, though.

If you're still tight for space, especially for the multipage PDFs, you could compress further by adding the files to a ZIP (or other) archive. This brought the file size down to 0.43MB on that test PDF (reducing the JPEG compression quality has a much more drastic effect). You could also split the PDF file into pages with pdftk, as @glallen suggested in his edit, or split the archive and recombine at the other end.

2MB is also a rather small attachment limit, you may want to look into other email providers. From memory, GMail provides over 10MB per email.

These options, and more, are fully documented on their website.


clonezilla moving to bigger harddrive

Use a tool like Parted Magic to resize the partition and take advantage of the full space.


Resize prints a shell command for setting the appropriate environment variables to indicate the current size of xterm window from which the command is run. For this output to take effect, resize must either be evaluated as part of the command line (usually done with a shell alias or function) or else redirected to a file which can then be read in. From the C shell (usually known as /bin/csh), the following alias could be defined in the user’s .cshrc:

% alias rs 'set noglob; eval `resize`'

After resizing the window, the user would type:

% rs

Users of versions of the Bourne shell (usually known as /bin/sh) that don’t have command functions will need to send the output to a temporary file and then read it back in with the “.” command:

$ resize > /tmp/out
$ . /tmp/out

Resize determines the user’s current shell by first checking if $SHELL is set, and using that. Otherwise it determines the user’s shell by looking in the password file. Generally Bourne-shell variants (including ksh) do not modify $SHELL, so it is possible for resize to be confused if one runs resize from a Bourne shell spawned from a C shell.


The following options may be used with resize:


This option indicates that Bourne shell commands should be generated even if the user’s current shell isn’t /bin/sh.


This option indicates that C shell commands should be generated even if the user’s current shell isn’t /bin/csh.

-s [rows columns]

This option indicates that Sun console escape sequences will be used instead of the VT100-style xterm escape codes. If rows and columns are given, resize will ask the xterm to resize itself. However, the window manager may choose to disallow the change.

Note that the Sun console escape sequences are recognized by XFree86 xterm and by dtterm. The resize program may be installed as sunsize, which causes makes it assume the -s option.

The rows and columns arguments must appear last; though they are normally associated with the -s option, they are parsed separately.



set to "xterm" if not already set.


variable set on systems using termcap


variables set on systems using terminfo



for the base termcap entry to modify.


user’s alias for the command.

see also

csh, tset , xterm


Mark Vandevoorde (MIT-Athena), Edward Moy (Berkeley)
Copyright (c) 1984, 1985 by X Consortium
See X(7) for a complete copyright notice.

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