Linux Commands Examples

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change reported architecture in new program environment and set personality flags


setarch arch [options] [program [arguments]]
[options] [program [arguments]]

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setarch ppc32 rpmbuild --target=ppc --rebuild foo.src.rpm
setarch ppc32 -v -vL3 rpmbuild --target=ppc --rebuild bar.src.rpm
setarch ppc32 --32bit rpmbuild --target=ppc --rebuild foo.src.rpm


Should I choose 32 or 64 bit for Linux?

To use all 8 GB naturally you should install 64-bit version.


How to run a minimal Linux inside a running 64-bit Windows 7

I would go for the Xming + ssh -X solution.

1) I’m not sure - but you could run your Virtual Mashine in headless mode and launch applications through SSH. That would be pretty non-intrusive,

2) I would.

3) If its a minimal distro you should be fine with a couple of GB of space for the root filesystem / and around 200mb RAM.

4) Yes


How to tell if linux process is 64bit

You can use file to get that information:

For example:

chris@obsidian:~$ file /usr/bin/perl
/usr/bin/perl: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.8, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped

or read from /proc/

chris@obsidian:~$ file -L /proc/[PID]/exe
/proc/[PID]/exe: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.8, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped

This will tell you if it is 64 or 32-bit.


How to reinstall GRUB2 EFI?

  • Boot your computer with a live-usb/CD in UEFI mode. I had two boot options <flash_drive> and UEFI: <flash_drive>, the second is needed to expose the efi variables in /sys/firmware/efi/ so that efibootmgr don't fail later on. Booting with the first option gives me the following error:

    Fatal: Couldn't open either sysfs or procfs directories for accessing EFI variables.
    Try 'modprobe efivars' as root.

    modprobe efivars did'nt work for me.

  • chroot into the broken system (similar to the ubuntu grub2 help but with efi specificities):

    sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt #sda2 is my root partition
    sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot/efi #sda1 is my efi partition
    for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done
    sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/etc/ #makes the network available after chrooting
    modprobe efivars # make sure this is loaded
    sudo chroot /mnt
  • Depending on your linux distribution, you now do different things.

    • For Ubuntu/Debian:

      apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi-amd64
      or alternatively: 
      apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi
      should the above give you a grub, but not a bootable one
    • For Fedora (up to 16, may work for others):

      yum reinstall grub-efi

      In the following command, you have to replace sdX with the device which has the EFI partition you want to boot from. In --part Y you have to replace the Y with the number of the EFI partition (as in /dev/sdXY).

      efibootmgr -c --disk /dev/sdX --part Y
      efibootmgr -v # verify a new record called Linux is there
  • Now type Ctrl+D to exit chroot, unmount everything and reboot:

    for i in /sys /proc /dev/pts /dev; do sudo umount /mnt$i; done
    sudo umount /mnt/boot/efi #please do this. corrupted efi partitions are not nice
    sudo umount /mnt
    sudo reboot

You may need to adapt this to your needs (different partition table, separate /boot partition, etc.) and it may not be the only option but this worked just fine for me.

A suitable live-system for fixing things is grml. There is also an extensive guide on how to setup a bootable USB device, of which the Mac section is the most useful actually (just create FAT32 partition, copy the files, reboot, done).


Bare-metal virtualisation for the desktop

VirtualBox appears to be one of the best virtualisation tools. Combined with Linux + Virtualisation features on chip its great.

I'm not sure what you mean by "bare metal", but you can't run things that close, there has to be some visualization ( even if it is a kernel hyper visor )

It has this cool trick it does where, when using its own video drivers in windows, can mix windows apps into your linux desktop with a fancy compositing trick. ( effectively, the windows desktop becomes transparent and the app drops its borders and does other fancy reporting tricks ) and it becomes like running X11 on Windows ( its creepy, really )


Ubuntu 64-bit vs 32-bit

Why not try both and decide for yourself? You can always backup your homedir and migrate it to the version you intend to keep.

I don't know if it's the placebo effect or something else, but I seem to think that 64-bit feels faster on the same hardware.


How do I know if my linux kernel is running in 32bit or 64bit?

uname -a

will tell you the kernel - the end bit tells you the architecture.

Two examples:

My mac:

Darwin Mac.local 9.8.0 Darwin Kernel Version 9.8.0: Wed Jul 15 16:55:01 PDT 2009; root:xnu-1228.15.4~1/RELEASE_I386 i386

My Dreamhost hosting:

Linux ecco #1 SMP Tue Oct 7 06:18:04 PDT 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux

i386 = 32 bit

x86_64 = 64 bit


Linux command to return number of bits (32 or 64)?

You can use uname -a and look for x86_64 to see if you are running 64-bit. Anything else (As far as I know) and you are running 32-bit or you are on non-PC hardware such as alpha, sparc, or ppc64.


Install 64-bit Ubuntu or 32-bit?

Plus sides:

  • It will be slightly faster. While 64bit vs 32bit apps don't make a huge performance difference, developers can make assumptions about speed-related features being present in 64-bit processors that they can't with 32bit apps.
  • You can use all 4GB of RAM, as opposed to roughly 3.2GB. (There are ways around this for 32bit systems, but it's not simple)

Negative sides:

  • While nowadays you won't find many apps that just don't work on 64bit, there are some (Adobe Air comes to mind), that do require more effort to install.

Getting a GPU Bitcoin miner for Linux 64bit

In my experience, Linux is far better supported by the Bitcoin community than Windows is. The same goes for ATI vs. Nvidia; ATI cards are far better at doing the calculations required for mining bitcoins, so all the serious miners use them. 32 vs. 64 bit should also be a non-issue; just pick the 64-bit version of the AMD Stream SDK instead of the 32-bit version.

Here's a guide for setting up the Phoenix and poclbm miners on Ubuntu 11.04. Setup should be roughly similar on other distributions.


setarch This utility currently only affects the output of uname -m. For example, on an AMD64 system, running ’setarch i386 program’ will cause ’program’ to see i686 (or other relevant arch) instead of x86_64 as machine type. It also allows to set various personality options. The default program is /bin/sh.


-v, --verbose

Be verbose.

-h, --help

Display help (it is also displayed when setarch takes no arguments).


Causes the program to see a kernel version number beginning with 2.6.

-3, --3gb

Specifies that processes should use a maximum of 3GB of address space on systems where it is supported (ADDR_LIMIT_3GB).

-B, --32bit

Turns on ADDR_LIMIT_32BIT.

-F, --fdpic-funcptrs

Userspace function pointers point to descriptors (turns on FDPIC_FUNCPTRS).

-I, --short-inode


-L, --addr-compat-layout

Changes the way virtual memory is allocated (turns on the ADDR_COMPAT_LAYOUT).

-R, --addr-no-randomize

Disables randomization of the virtual address space (turns on ADDR_NO_RANDOMIZE).

-S, --whole-seconds


-T, --sticky-timeouts


-X --read-implies-exec


-Z, mmap-page-zero



The setarch command is part of the util-linux package and is available from


Elliot Lee <sopwith[:at:]redhat[:dot:]com>
Jindrich Novy <jnovy[:at:]redhat[:dot:]com>

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