Linux Commands Examples

A great documentation place for Linux commands


converts a syslinux-format screen to pc-ansi

see also : syslinux - perl


syslinux2ansi < filename.input > filename.output

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Syslinux2ansi is a filter which converts a screen formatted for syslinux to one compatible with PC ANSI. It will only read from standard in, and has no command line options.


Help and version command line options would be useful.

The ability to put input and output filenames on the command line might be good as well.

Bug reports
I would appreciate hearing of any problems you have with SYSLINUX. I would also like to hear from you if you have successfully used SYSLINUX, especially if you are using it for a distribution.

If you are reporting problems, please include all possible information about your system and your BIOS; the vast majority of all problems reported turn out to be BIOD or hardware bugs, and I need as much information as possible in order to diagnose the problems.

There is a mailing list for discussion among SYSLINUX users and for announcements of new and test versions. To join, send a message to majordomo[:at:]linux.kernel[:dot:]org with the line:

subscribe syslinux

in the body of the message. The submission address is syslinux[:at:]linux.kernel[:dot:]org.

see also

syslinux , perl


This manual page is a quick write-up for Debian done by Kevin Kreamer <kkreamer[:at:]etherhogz[:dot:]org>, by looking over the 1 screenful of Perl that is syslinux2ansi.

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