Linux Commands Examples

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network statistics tools.

see also : lnstat


Usage: nstat [ -h?vVzrnasd:t: ] [ PATTERN [ PATTERN ] ]
Usage: rtacct [ -h?vVzrnasd:t: ] [ ListOfRealms ]

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nstat and rtacct are simple tools to monitor kernel snmp counters and network interface statistics.


-h -?

Print help

-v -V

Print version


Dump zero counters too. By default they are not shown.


Reset history.


Do not display anything, only update history.


Dump absolute values of counters. The default is to calculate increments since the previous use.


Do not update history, so that the next time you will see counters including values accumulated to the moment of this measurement too.


Run in daemon mode collecting statistics. <INTERVAL> is interval between measurements in seconds.


Time interval to average rates. Default value is 60 seconds.

see also


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