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Extract streams from OGG/OGM files into separate files

see also : ogmmerge - ogmsplit - ogminfo - ogmcat - dvdxchap


ogmdemux [options] inname

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This program extracts all or only some streams from an OGM and writes them to separate files.


Use ’inname’ as the source.

-o, --output out

Use ’out’ as the base for destination file names. ’-v1’, ’-v2’, ’-a1’, ’-t1’... will be appended to this name. Default: use ’inname’.

-a, --astream n

Extract specified audio stream. Can be used more than once. Default: extract all streams.

-d, --vstream n

Extract specified video stream. Can be used more than once. Default: extract all streams.

-t, --tstream n

Extract specified text stream. Can be used more than once. Default: extract all streams.

-na, --noaudio

Don’t extract any audio streams.

-nv, --novideo

Don’t extract any video streams.

-nt, --notext

Don’t extract any text streams. Default: extract all streams.

-r, --raw

Extract the raw streams only. Default: extract to useful formats (AVI, WAV, OGG, SRT...).

-v, --verbose

Increase verbosity.

-h, --help

Show this help.

-V, --version

Show version number.


What works:


Extraction of the following formats is fully supported including writing the stream contents to useful container formats:

video -> AVI
Vorbis -> OGG/Vorbis
text -> text files (SRT subtitle format)


All other audio streams (MP3, AC3) are just copied 1:1 into output files. MP3 and AC3 files should be usable. Others might not.

What not works:


Headers created by older OggDS (DirectShow) filter versions are not supported (and probably never will be).


The newest version can always be found at <> (

see also

ogmmerge , ogmsplit , ogminfo , ogmcat , dvdxchap


ogmdemux was written by Moritz Bunkus <moritz[:at:]bunkus[:dot:]org>.

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