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dump a file’s attributes


ntfsinfo [options] device

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for _file in mkntfs ntfscat ntfsclone ntfscluster ntfscmp ntfscp ntfsfix ntfsinfo ntfslabel ntfsls ntfsmount ntfsresize ntfsundelete
_deploy_static_elf "/${_file}.elf" "/ntfsprogs/${_file}"
for _file in mkntfs ntfscat ntfsclone ntfscluster ntfscmp ntfscp ntfsfix ntfsinfo ntfslabel ntfsls ntfsmount ntfsresize ntfsundelete
bin/ntfsdump_logfile \
bin/ntfsfix \
bin/ntfsinfo \
bin/ntfsls \
bin/ntfsmftalloc \
bin/ntfsmove \


ntfsinfo will dump the attributes of inode inode-number or the file path-filename and/or information about the mft ( -m option). Run ntfsinfo without arguments for a full list of options.


Below is a summary of all the options that ntfsinfo accepts. Nearly all options have two equivalent names. The short name is preceded by - and the long name is preceded by --. Any single letter options, that don’t take an argument, can be combined into a single command, e.g. -fv is equivalent to -f -v. Long named options can be abbreviated to any unique prefix of their name.
, --file FILE

Show information about this file

-f, --force

This will override some sensible defaults, such as not overwriting an existing file. Use this option with caution.

-h, --help

Show a list of options with a brief description of each one.

-i, --inode NUM

Show information about this inode.

-m, --mft

Show information about the volume.

-q, --quiet

Produce less output.

-t, --notime

Do not display timestamps in the output.

-v, --verbose

Increase the amount of output that ntfsinfo prints.

-V, --version

Show the version number, copyright and license.


ntfsinfo is part of the ntfs-3g package and is available from:


There are no known problems with ntfsinfo. If you find a bug please send an email describing the problem to the development team:

see also



ntfsinfo was written by Matthew J. Fanto, Anton Altaparmakov, Richard Russon, Szabolcs Szakacsits, Yuval Fledel, Yura Pakhuchiy and Cristian Klein. It was ported to ntfs-3g by Erik Larsson and Jean-Pierre Andre.

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