Linux Commands Examples

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helper script for ncurses libraries


ncursesw5-config [options]

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This is a shell script which simplifies configuring applications against a particular set of ncurses libraries.



echos the package-prefix of ncurses


echos the executable-prefix of ncurses


echos the C compiler flags needed to compile with ncurses


echos the libraries needed to link with ncurses


echos the release+patchdate version of ncurses


echos the ABI version of ncurses


echos the mouse-interface version of ncurses


echos the directory containing ncurses programs


echos the directory containing ncurses data


echos the directory containing ncurses header files


echos the directory containing ncurses libraries


echos the directory containing ncurses manpages


echos the $TERMINFO terminfo database path, e.g.,


echos the $TERMINFO_DIRS directory list, e.g.,


echos the $TERMPATH termcap list, if support for termcap is configured.


prints this message

see also


This describes ncurses version 5.9 (patch 20110404).

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