a database backup program
add an example, a script, a trick and tips
mysqlhotcopy --method=scp --user=<your_user>--password='your_password' db_name./table_name/ root@<Remote_server_ip>:/home/backup/mysql_backup
##What does it do ?
It will take the hot backup of only particular table which will be mentioned above. This is an effective method to take the backup as only one table will be locked and rest of the table will be available to users.
scp will automatically store the backup on the remote server or we can call the backup server.
Flushed 1 tables with read lock (`db_name`.`table_name`) in 0 seconds.
Locked 0 views () in 0 seconds.
Copying 3 files...
Unlocked tables.
mysqlhotcopy copied 1 tables (3 files) in 4 seconds (4 seconds overall).
example added by Surender
sudo mysqlhotcopy -u root -p=r3mbr^nd. Edx
is a Perl script that was originally written and contributed
by Tim Bunce. It uses FLUSH TABLES, LOCK TABLES, and cp or
scp to make a database backup. It is a fast way to make a
backup of the database or single tables, but it can be run
only on the same machine where the database directories are
located. mysqlhotcopy works only for backing up
MyISAM and ARCHIVE tables. It runs on Unix.
To use
mysqlhotcopy, you must have read access to the files
for the tables that you are backing up, the SELECT privilege
for those tables, the RELOAD privilege (to be able to
execute FLUSH TABLES), and the LOCK TABLES privilege (to be
able to lock the tables).
mysqlhotcopy db_name
mysqlhotcopy db_name_1 ... db_name_n
Back up tables
in the given database that match a regular expression:
The regular
expression for the table name can be negated by prefixing it
with a tilde (“~”):
supports the following options, which can be specified on
the command line or in the [mysqlhotcopy] and [client]
groups of an option file. For information about option
files, see Section, “Using Option
--help, -?
Display a help
message and exit.
Do not rename
target directory (if it exists); merely add files to it.
Do not abort if
a target exists; rename it by adding an _old suffix.
checkpoint entries into the specified database
db_name and table tbl_name.
Base directory
of the chroot jail in which mysqld operates.
The path value should match that of the
--chroot option given to
Enable debug
--dryrun, -n
Report actions
without performing them.
Flush logs
after all tables are locked.
--host=host_name, -h
The host name
of the local host to use for making a TCP/IP connection to
the local server. By default, the connection is made to
localhost using a Unix socket file.
Do not delete
previous (renamed) target when done.
The method for
copying files (cp or scp). The default is cp.
Do not include
full index files for MyISAM tables in the backup. This makes
the backup smaller and faster. The indexes for reloaded
tables can be reconstructed later with myisamchk
The password to
use when connecting to the server. The password value is not
optional for this option, unlike for other MySQL
Specifying a
password on the command line should be considered insecure.
See Section, “End-User Guidelines for
Password Security”. You can use an option file to
avoid giving the password on the command line.
--port=port_num, -P
The TCP/IP port
number to use when connecting to the local server.
As of MySQL
5.5.3, mysqlhotcopy uses FLUSH TABLES tbl_list
WITH READ LOCK to flush and lock tables. Use the
--old_server option if the server is
older than 5.5.3, which is when that statement was
introduced. This option was added in MySQL 5.5.3.
--quiet, -q
Be silent
except for errors.
Record master
and slave status in the specified database db_name
and table tbl_name.
Copy all
databases with names that match the given regular
Reset the
binary log after locking all the tables.
Reset the file after locking all the tables.
--socket=path, -S
The Unix socket
file to use for connections to localhost.
The suffix to
use for names of copied databases.
The temporary
directory. The default is /tmp.
--user=user_name, -u
The MySQL user
name to use when connecting to the server.
Use perldoc for
additional mysqlhotcopy documentation, including
information about the structure of the tables needed for the
--checkpoint and
--record_log_pos options:
perldoc mysqlhotcopy
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