configure MySQL server plugins
[options] plugin
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mysql_plugin utility enables MySQL administrators to
manage which plugins a MySQL server loads. It provides an
alternative to manually specifying the
--plugin-load option at server
startup or using the INSTALL PLUGIN and UNINSTALL PLUGIN
statements at runtime. mysql_plugin is available as
of MySQL 5.5.16.
Depending on
whether mysql_plugin is invoked to enable or disable
plugins, it inserts or deletes rows in the mysql.plugin
table that serves as a plugin registry. (To perform this
operation, mysql_plugin invokes the MySQL server in
bootstrap mode. This means that the server must not already
be running.) For normal server startups, the server loads
and enables plugins listed in mysql.plugin automatically.
For additional control over plugin activation, use
--plugin_name options named for
specific plugins, as described in Section,
“Installing and Uninstalling Plugins”.
Each invocation
of mysql_plugin reads a configuration file to
determine how to configure the plugins contained in a single
plugin library object file. To invoke mysql_plugin,
use this syntax:
[options] plugin {ENABLE|DISABLE}
is the name of the plugin to configure. ENABLE or DISABLE
(not case sensitive) specify whether to enable or disable
components of the plugin library named in the configuration
file. The order of the plugin and ENABLE or DISABLE
arguments does not matter.
For example, to
configure components of a plugin library file named on Linux or myplugins.dll on Windows, specify a
plugin value of myplugins. Suppose that this plugin
library contains three plugins, plugin1, plugin2, and
plugin3, all of which should be configured under
mysql_plugin control. By convention, configuration
files have a suffix of .ini and the same basename as the
plugin library, so the default configuration file name for
this plugin library is myplugins.ini. The configuration file
contents look like this:
The first line
in the myplugins.ini file is the name of the library object
file, without any extension such as .so or .dll. The
remaining lines are the names of the components to be
enabled or disabled. Each value in the file should be on a
separate line. Lines on which the first character is '#' are
taken as comments and ignored.
To enable the
plugins listed in the configuration file, invoke
mysql_plugin this way:
mysql_plugin myplugins ENABLE
To disable the
plugins, use DISABLE rather than ENABLE.
An error occurs
if mysql_plugin cannot find the configuration file or
plugin library file, or if mysql_plugin cannot start
the MySQL server.
supports the following options, which can be specified on
the command line or in the [mysqld] group of any option
file. For options specified in a [mysqld] group,
mysql_plugin recognizes the
--basedir, --datadir,
and --plugin-dir options and
ignores others. For information about option files, see
Section, “Using Option Files”.
--help, -?
Display a help
message and exit.
--basedir=path, -b
The server base
--datadir=path, -d
The server data
-b path
The path to the
my_print_defaults program.
--mysqld=path, -b
The path to the
mysqld server.
--no-defaults, -p
Do not read
values from the configuration file. This option enables an
administrator to skip reading defaults from the
configuration file.
mysql_plugin, this option need not be given first on
the command line, unlike most other MySQL programs that
support --no-defaults.
-p path
The server
plugin directory.
-i file_name
mysql_plugin configuration file. Relative path names
are interpreted relative to the current directory. If this
option is not given, the default is plugin.ini in the
plugin directory, where plugin is the plugin
argument on the command line.
Display the
default values from the configuration file. This option
causes mysql_plugin to print the defaults for
--basedir, --datadir,
and --plugin-dir if they are found
in the configuration file. If no value for a variable is
found, nothing is shown.
mysql_plugin, this option need not be given first on
the command line, unlike most other MySQL programs that
support --print-defaults.
--verbose, -v
Verbose mode.
Print more information about what the program does. This
option can be used multiple times to increase the amount of
--version, -V
Display version
information and exit.
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mysql plugin
see also
more information, please refer to the MySQL Reference
Manual, which may already be installed locally and which is
also available online at
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