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translate Metafont or MetaPost code to TeX code for prettyprinting

see also : mf - weave


mft [OPTIONS] mf_file_name[.mf|.mp]

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julius_mft -quiet -C julius.jconf 2>&1 | python

MFT / NTLDR / NTFS (external drive) damaged after ntfsresize (Linux)

All Linux-based NTFS repair utilities are unfortunately rather limited in their scope and ability. Testdisk is the best you're going to get on the cross-platform side of things, and while it is awesome for recovering partitions and bootsectors it's really not what you're going to need if you damaged the NTFS filesystem itself. The best testdisk will do in that case is attempt to restore the MFT mirror. ntfsfsck/ntfsfix are severely neutered and have had parts of their recovery features/methods turned off from years ago due to being dangerous because of being incorrectly implemented or not fully understood when reverse-engineered.

If you have access to a Windows setup CD for Vista and above, use the command line feature from the "Startup Repair" to try chkntfs /f on the partition in question (if it can be seen). Failing that, it may be time to pull out your favorite file recovery tool for the retrieval of files from formatted volumes.

Free software: Testdisk's counterpart, photorec, does just that. I personally have had good experiences with Recuva from Piriform, but that's a Windows-only program so you'll need your hard disk connected to another Windows machine.

There are hard-core commercial NTFS file undelete applications, but honestly, they're almost never worth the hassle - if your partition is damaged enough to need them, you'll get your files back, but they probably will be incomplete/corrupted and won't actually open. Your best bet would be to use those tools to retrieve certain files by name.

Be forewarned: software that recovers files from deleted partitions can take up to several days to run a deep scan!


This manual page is not meant to be exhaustive. The complete documentation for this version of TeX can be found in the info file or manual Web2C: A TeX implementation.

The mft program creates a TeX file from a Metafont or MetaPost program. It takes appropriate care of typographic details like page layout and the use of indentation, italics, boldface, etc., as illustrated in the book Computer Modern Typefaces. Special conventions in Metafont and MetaPost comments allow you to control things that would not otherwise come out right; section 1 of the MFT source program in the Metafontware report explains these rules.

The mft program uses an optional change file (which works just as the change files to tangle(1) and weave(1) do) and one or several style files (which are prepended to everything). If no style file is specified, the style file plain.mft for Metafont (or mplain.mft for MetaPost) is automatically used.

The mf_file_name, optional change_file_name, and style_file_name files are searched for using the MFINPUTS (for Metafont) or MPINPUTS (for MetaPost) and MFTINPUTS environment variables if you have set them, or else the corresponding system defaults.

The output TeX file name is formed by using .tex in place of the extension of mf_file_name.



Apply the change file change_file_name to mf_file_name.


Assume mf_file_name is a MetaPost source file (this is the default if mf_file_name has the extension .mp).


Use the style file style_file_name insted of plain.mft (or mplain.mft); this option can be given more than once.



TeX macros used by mft output.

plain.mft, mplain.mft

Default style files.


Style file for Computer Modern.

see also

mf , weave .
Donald E. Knuth, Computer Modern Typefaces (Volume E of Computers and Typesetting), Addison-Wesley, 1986, ISBN 0-201-13446-2.
Donald E. Knuth et al., Metafontware.


Donald E. Knuth wrote the program, and he ported it to Unix with the help of Pierre MacKay and the Unix port of weave by Howard Trickey and Pavel Curtis. The program is published in the Metafontware technical report, available from the TeX Users Group.

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