Linux Commands Examples

A great documentation place for Linux commands


configure optionals (private) parameters of a wireless network interface

see also : iwconfig - iwlist - iwevent - iwspy


iwpriv [interface]
interface private-command [private-parameters]
interface private-command [I] [private-parameters]
interface --all

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init_iwpriv() {
echo iwpriv: Plugin loaded
newif_iwpriv() {
do_iwpriv() {
case "$IFTYPE" in
athvap) ;;
brctl delif $BRIDGE $IFNAME
brctl delif $BRIDGE $IFNAME
ifconfig $IFNAME down
start() {
iwpriv $IFNAME bgscan 0
iwpriv $IFNAME bgscan 0
iwpriv $IFNAME mode 11ng
iwpriv $IFNAME countryie 1
iwpriv $IFNAME doth 0
iwpriv $IFNAME cwmmode 1
iwpriv ath0 cwmin $VIDEO_QUEUE 0 $VIDEO_CWMIN ;
iwpriv ath0 cwmin $VIDEO_QUEUE 1 $VIDEO_CWMIN ;
iwpriv ath0 cwmin $VIDEO_QUEUE 1 $VIDEO_CWMIN ;
iwpriv ath0 cwmax $VIDEO_QUEUE 0 $VIDEO_CWMAX ;
iwpriv ath0 cwmax $VIDEO_QUEUE 1 $VIDEO_CWMAX ;


Iwpriv is the companion tool to iwconfig(8). Iwpriv deals with parameters and setting specific to each driver (as opposed to iwconfig which deals with generic ones).

Without any argument, iwpriv list the available private commands available on each interface, and the parameters that they require. Using this information, the user may apply those interface specific commands on the specified interface.

In theory, the documentation of each device driver should indicate how to use those interface specific commands and their effect.


For each device which support private commands, iwpriv will display the list of private commands available.

This include the name of the private command, the number or arguments that may be set and their type, and the number or arguments that may be display and their type.

For example, you may have the following display :
eth0 Available private ioctl :
setqualthr (89F0) : set 1 byte & get 0
gethisto (89F7) : set 0 & get 16 int

This indicate that you may set the quality threshold and display an histogram of up to 16 values with the following commands :
iwpriv eth0 setqualthr 20
iwpriv eth0 gethisto




private-command [private-parameters]

Execute the specified private-command on the interface.
The command may optionally take or require arguments, and may display information. Therefore, the command line parameters may or may not be needed and should match the command expectations. The list of commands that iwpriv displays (when called without argument) should give you some hints about those parameters.
However you should refer to the device driver documentation for information on how to properly use the command and the effect.

private-command [I] [private-parameters]

Idem, except that I (an integer) is passed to the command as a Token Index. Only some command will use the Token Index (most will ignore it), and the driver documentation should tell you when it’s needed.


Execute and display all the private commands that don’t take any arguments (i.e. read only).

see also

iwconfig , iwlist , iwevent , iwspy , wireless.


Jean Tourrilhes - jt[:at:]hpl.hp[:dot:]com

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