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Get or set mime handlers

see also : gvfs-open


gvfs-mime --query {MIMETYPE}

gvfs-mime --set {MIMETYPE} {HANDER}

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gvfs-mime can query information about applications that are registered to handle a mime-type, or set the default handler for a mime-type.

Gvfs obtains this information from the shared-mime-info database. The default handler is stored per-user, in the file $XDG_DATA_HOME/applications/mimeapps.list.

MIMETYPE should be a mime-type such as text/plain or application/mbox. HANDLER should be the name of an existing desktop file such as gedit.desktop.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

Prints a short help text and exits.


Query the handler for MIMETYPE.


Set the default handler for MIMETYPE to HANDLER.

exit status

On success 0 is returned, a non-zero failure code otherwise.



Shared MIME-Info specification

gvfs mime

see also

gvfs-open , Shared MIME-Info specification [1]

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