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if spell_ok gnome-keyring && [[ $(installed_version gnome-keyring) < 2.29 ]];
conflicts gnome-keyring y
depends gnome-keyring &&
depends libsoup &&
depends evolution-data-server &&
depends openssl &&

How to automatically add a protected key to ssh-agent on startup?

GNOME stores your SSH key passphrases in GNOME Keyring, which (the login keyring) is unlocked with your login password by pam_gnome_keyring:

auth           ...
auth           ...
auth           optional

session        ...
session        ...
session        optional auto_start

However, your current setup will not work with this, as you are starting a ssh-agent at the last step, overwriting any environment variables that gnome-keyring may have set. Remove ssh-agent, and try adding this after all keyring daemon processes:

eval $(gnome-keyring-daemon --start)

Keep in mind also that gnome-keyring-daemon publishes a few environment variables over DBus which are then read by gnome-shell, which Awesome doesn't do. That, and you are starting the DBus session bus after all daemons have started, so they may be unable to connect to your session at all.

One more thing: Many of the daemons must be started inside a ConsoleKit session – the PolicyKit authentication agent, for example. You'll have more luck if you replace your entire ~/.xinitrc script with:

exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch --exit-with-session ~/.xinitrc-session

then use ~/.xinitrc-session to launch the rest of GNOME.

You can go an easier way. Use the standard ck-launch-session dbus-launch --exit-with-session gnome-session, and just tell GNOME session manager to launch Awesome as the window manager. Follow the official instructions.

Abridged form for GNOME 2:

mkdir -p ~/.local/share/applications/
cp /usr/share/applications/awesome.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/
cat >> ~/.local/share/applications/awesome.desktop
gconftool-2 --set /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/windowmanager --type string awesome

store svn password in gnome-keyring

To run regular SVN with passwords stored in gnome-keyring, your .subversion/config should have


and in .subversion/servers


There's more if you're using client certificates, but that's the basics. Then, you need binaries from CollabNet Subversion starting at version 1.6.16 -- the current I think is 1.6.17.


mount CIFS volume with pam_mount and password stored in gnome-keyring

Yes, I chose ecryptfs. You simply create an encrypted directory where the files are stored. See RedHat's Instructions. If you encrypt this file with the user's password, there is even the possibility to mount this directory automatically at login with pam_mount (also name of the package in fedora 15). The pam_mount setup is a bit finicky though.

My advice here: follow the instructions of the manual pages to setup pam_mount in pam.d. pam_mount will eventually use mount (mount.ecryptfs, respectively). So setup fstab in a way that your user can mount this fs without problems from the command line (possibly without root privileges). Then read pam_mount.conf, set debug=2 in the pam_mount.conf.xml reduce the requirements in pam_mount.conf to a minimum and follow the instructions in the pam_mount.conf.xml template to create a local copy.

You can test by logging in an out on a console.


How do I make git use ssh-add (when necessary)?

Default OpenSSH just does not do what you want. The ssh program will use any key that is already loaded into the configured agent, but it never adds keys to the agent.

The “add to the agent any password protected key used by ssh” behavior is due to Apple’s changes to the version of ssh it bundles with Mac OS X.

A typical run of ssh will use load_identity_file from sshconnect2.c.

Apple adds to load_identity_file a call to keychain_read_passphrase from keychain.c (this file comes completely from Apple).

keychain_read_passphrase uses ssh_add_identity_constrained from authfd.c to store the loaded key into the agent.

The only other user of ssh_add_identity_constrained is ssh-add.c (ssh-add); the lower level “constants” SSH2_AGENTC_ADD_IDENTITY and SSH2_AGENTC_ADD_ID_CONSTRAINED are also only used in authfd.c in ssh-agent.c (ssh-agent).

Thus, usually only ssh-add loads keys into the agent, but Apple extended ssh to also load keys into the agent when it does its GUI prompting for a key’s passphrase.


How to lock a unlocked GNOME Keyring?

One thing you could do if some suspicious activity takes place, is to kill the gnome-keyring-daemon like so :

kill -9 $(pgrep gnome-keyring-d)

You could simply do a simple script to make it automatically:

case $1 in
        pkill gnome-keyring-d
        pkill gnome-keyring-d
        /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --daemonize --login
    *)  echo "Somebody is calling me totally wrong."


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