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little cms PostScript converter.

see also : foo2hiperc-wrapper - foo2hp2600-wrapper - foo2lava-wrapper - foo2oak-wrapper - foo2qpdl-wrapper - foo2zjs-wrapper


foo2zjs-icc2ps [options]

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lcms is a standalone CMM engine, which deals with the color management. It implements a fast transformation between ICC profiles. foo2zjs-icc2ps is little cms PostScript converter.

command line options


Black point compensation (CRD only).

-c <0,1,2>

Precision (0=LowRes, 1=Normal (default), 2=Hi-res) (CRD only)

-i profile

Input profile: Generates Color Space Array (CSA).

-n <gridpoints>

Alternate way to set precision, number of CLUT points (CRD only)

-o profile

Output profile: Generates Color Rendering Dictionary(CRD).

-t <0,1,2,3>

Intent (0=Perceptual, 1=Colorimetric, 2=Saturation, 3=Absolute).


Do NOT generate resource name on CRD.



see also

foo2hiperc-wrapper , foo2hp2600-wrapper , foo2lava-wrapper , foo2oak-wrapper , foo2qpdl-wrapper , foo2zjs-wrapper ,


Rick Richardson <rick.richardson[:at:]comcast[:dot:]net>

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