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query font files

see also : fc-scan - fc-cat - fc-cache - fc-list - fc-match - fc-pattern


fc-query [ -Vh ]

[ [ -i index ] [ --index index ] ] [ [ -f format ] [ --format format ] ] [ --version ] [ --help ] font-file...

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fc-query queries font-file(s) using the normal fontconfig rules and prints out font pattern for each face found. If --index is given, only one face of each file is queried, otherwise all faces are queried.


This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (’-’). A summary of options is included below.


Only query face indexed index of each file.


Format output according to the format specifier format.


Show version of the program and exit.


Show summary of options.


Query font-file for font faces.

return codes

fc-query returns error code 0 for successful parsing, or 1 if any errors occured or if at least one font face could not be opened.

see also

fc-scan FcFreeTypeQuery FcPatternFormat fc-cat fc-cache fc-list fc-match fc-pattern

The fontconfig user’s guide, in HTML format: /usr/share/doc/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html.


This manual page was updated by Behdad Esfahbod <behdad[:at:]behdad[:dot:]org>.

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