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generate Debian .changes files


dpkg-genchanges [option...]

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dpkg-genchanges -b ${KMAINT:+-m"$KMAINT <$KEMAIL>"} -u"$KSRC/.." \
cd build_debian_package
dpkg-genchanges > ../hiawatha_${version}.changes
cd ..
gpg --clearsign hiawatha_${version}.changes
mv hiawatha_${version}.changes.asc hiawatha_${version}.changes
dpkg-genchanges -b ${KMAINT:+-m"$KMAINT <$KEMAIL>"} -u"$KSRC/.." \
-cdebian/control > "$chfile"
dpkg-genchanges -b ${KMAINT:+-m"$KMAINT <$KEMAIL>"} -u"$KPKG_DEST_DIR" \
-cdebian/control > "$chfile"
dpkg-genchanges -sa > "../${dsc_root}_forged.changes" 2>/dev/null
dpkg-genchanges -S -sa > "../${dsc_root}_forged.changes" 2>/dev/null
cd build_debian_package
dpkg-genchanges > ../hiawatha_${version}.changes
cd ..
gpg --clearsign hiawatha_${version}.changes


dpkg-genchanges reads information from an unpacked and built Debian source tree and from the files it has generated and generates a Debian upload control file (.changes file).


-b, -B, -A

Specifies that a binary-only build is taking place (no source files are to be included). There’s no distinction between -b, -B and -A, the produced .changes file will include whatever files were created by the binary-* target(s) of the package being built.


Specifies that only the source should be uploaded (no binary packages will be included).

The -sx options control whether the original source archive is included in the upload if any source is being generated (i.e. -b or -B haven’t been used).


By default, or if specified, the original source will be included only if the upstream version number (the version without epoch and without Debian revision) differs from the upstream version number of the previous changelog entry.


Forces the inclusion of the original source.


Forces the exclusion of the original source and includes only the diff.


Causes changelog information from all versions strictly later than version to be used.


Read the description of the changes from the file changes-description rather than using the information from the source tree’s changelog file.


Use maintainer-address as the name and email address of the maintainer for this package, rather than using the information from the source tree’s control file.


Use maintainer-address as the name and email address of the maintainer for this upload, rather than using the information from the source tree’s changelog.


Set an output substitution variable. See deb-substvars(5) for a discussion of output substitution.


Read substitution variables in substvars-file; the default is debian/substvars. No variable substitution is done on any of the fields that are output, however the special variable Format will override the field of the same name. This option can be used multiple times to read substitution variables from multiple files.


Override or add an output control file field.


Remove an output control file field.


Specifies the main source control file to read information from. The default is debian/control.


Specifies the changelog file to read information from. The default is debian/changelog.


Read the list of files to be uploaded here, rather than using debian/files.


Specifies the format of the changelog. See dpkg-parsechangelog(1) for information about alternative formats.


Look for the files to be uploaded in upload-files-dir rather than .. (dpkg-genchanges needs to find these files so that it can include their sizes and checksums in the .changes file).


Usually dpkg-genchanges will produce informative messages on standard error, for example about how many of the package’s source files are being uploaded. -q suppresses these messages.

-?, --help

Show the usage message and exit.


Show the version and exit.



The list of generated files which are part of the upload being prepared. dpkg-genchanges reads the data here when producing a .changes file.

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