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configure cupsd.conf options

see also : cupsd


cupsctl [ -E ] [-U username ] [ -h server[:port] ] [ --[no-]debug-logging ] [ --[no-]remote-admin ] [ --[no-]remote-any ] [ --[no-]share-printers ] [ --[no-]user-cancel-any ] [ name=value ]

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Display the current settings:

Enable debug logging:
cupsctl --debug-logging

Get the current debug logging state:
cupsctl | grep ’^_debug_logging’ | awk -F= ’{print $2}’

Disable printer sharing:
cupsctl --no-share-printers

sudo cupsctl WebInterface=yes


cupsctl updates or queries the cupsd.conf file for a server. When no changes are requested, the current configuration values are written to the standard output in the format "name=value", one per line.


The following options are recognized:


Enables encryption on the connection to the scheduler.

-U username

Specifies an alternate username to use when authenticating with the scheduler.

-h server[:port]

Specifies the server address.


Enables or disables debug logging in the error_log file.


Enables or disables remote administration.


Enables or disables printing from any address, e.g. the Internet.


Enables or disables sharing of local printers with other computers.


Allows or prevents users from canceling jobs owned by others.


Copyright 2007-2013 by Apple Inc.

known issues

You cannot set the Listen or Port directives using cupsctl.

see also

cupsd .conf, cupsd,

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