Linux Commands Examples

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reminder service

see also : at - cal - cpp - cron


calendar [-ab] [-A num] [-B num] [-l num] [-w num] [-f calendarfile] [-t [

]yy]mm ]dd]

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Google Calendar / Exchange / Outlook Web Access sync

Try davmail - it allows access to your exchange calendar via ical. The way I use it :

  • configure davmail with my corporate outlook
  • In thunderbird (I am to TB3 beta) , create a calendar (iCal) which points to the davmail configuration

Now, I can access outlook via thunderbird.

Not sure if this solves your problem, as it does not by default "syncs" to google etc.


Sync Android phone with Linux PC

You would need to write a Sync Adapter to synchronize your changes with your PC and other applications.

Android provides an example:


Copy information from iCal to Google calendar

According to the Google Calendar help site, it is possible to sync iCal with Google Calendar.


Vim command line argument not being executed

Vim does execute the :split todo.txt; you'll see the (hidden) file in the output of :ls!. The problem becomes apparent when you print the executed command line (by replacing eval with echo):

vim -c "split todo.txt" -c "e 2013-10-05.txt|vsplit 2013-10-04.txt|vsplit 2013-10-03.txt|vsplit 2013-10-02.txt|vsplit 2013-10-01.txt|vsplit 2013-09-30.txt|vsplit 2013-09-29.txt|"

From the default empty buffer, you :split off the todo.txt file, and then, in that same window :edit the first dated file. You need to swap the two opening commands, like this:

data=$(unset split; echo -n "-c \""; for i in {6..0}; do if [ $i -ne 6 ] ; then split="vsplit"; else split="split"; fi; echo -n "$split $(date +"%F" -d"last sunday+$i day").txt|"; done; echo "\"") && precmd='-c "edit todo.txt"' && cmd="vim $precmd $data" && eval $cmd

Formalize my diary (record what happened how often) and create statistics out of it

Given the floss tools requirement, here's how I'd tackle this:

Use Calc as your forms application to input the data

Import this to SQLite (if that's your preference, postgresql has a bit more grunt), and run the sort of queries that you mention

I would setup the columns in Calc as follows:

Day  |  Cooking  | Jogging  |   DVD  |  Cinema |  Month  |  Year  |
  23 |    2      |    1     |    1   |         |    11   |  2012  |
  24 |    1      |          |        |     1   |         |        |

This way you can do quick data entry (without going to the mouse all the time), by simply inputting the day of month and only typing the month number and year number when they change (ie hit return when you finish the category data input for that date).

Copy down the month and year to the blank spaces and join the info in another cell with the concatenate function before the database upload. Import the data from that new date cell and the categories columns and you should be able to run your queries.

For the edited enhancement request, you could add a comment field if it was just a free form addition. If you can make the data simple to input, you can add columns accordingly (eg instead of 'did I watch alone or with a group?' (coz then you'll go 'was it a large group or just a couple of friends or just me and partner?') make it 'number of ppl watched with' which can then be blank for just you or have a number for how ever many other people were watching too). Just remember your own spec about making the data input easy due to the large amount of data.


caveat: I don't know R, so I could be completely wrong and it may be the tool for the job, but as far as I'm aware the stats it gives you (3rd std deviation, & other funny greek symbols) aren't what you're looking for (amount / time).

Also, the way I've suggested won't result in a properly normalised database but you should be able to do what you have requested with it.


The calendar utility checks the current directory or the directory specified by the CALENDAR_DIR environment variable for a file named calendar and displays lines that begin with either today’s date or tomorrow’s. On Fridays, events on Friday through Monday are displayed.

The options are as follows:

-A num

Print lines from today and next num days (forward, future). Defaults to one. (same as -l)


Process the ’’calendar’’ files of all users and mail the results to them. This requires superuser privileges.

-B num

Print lines from today and previous num days (backward, past).


Enforce special date calculation mode for KOI8 calendars.

-l num

Print lines from today and next num days (forward, future). Defaults to one. (same as -A)

-w num

Print lines from today and next num days, only if today is Friday (forward, future). Defaults to two, which causes calendar to print entries through the weekend on Fridays.

-f calendarfile

Use calendarfile as the default calendar file.

-t [

Act like the specified value is ’’today’’ instead of using the current date. If yy is specified, but cc is not, a value for yy between 69 and 99 results in a cc value of 19. Otherwise, a cc value of 20 is used.

To handle calendars in your national code table you can specify ’’LANG=<locale_name>’’ in the calendar file as early as possible. To handle national Easter names in the calendars, ’’Easter=<national_name>’’ (for Catholic Easter) or ’’Paskha=<national_name>’’ (for Orthodox Easter) can be used.

A special locale name exists: ’utf-8’. Specifying ’’LANG=utf-8’’ indicates that the dates will be read using the C locale, and the descriptions will be encoded in UTF-8. This is usually used for the distributed calendar files. The ’’CALENDAR’’ variable can be used to specify the style. Only ’Julian’ and ’Gregorian’ styles are currently supported. Use ’’CALENDAR=’’ to return to the default (Gregorian).

To enforce special date calculation mode for Cyrillic calendars you should specify ’’LANG=<local_name>’’ and ’’BODUN=<bodun_prefix>’’ where <local_name> can be ru_RU.KOI8-R, uk_UA.KOI8-U or by_BY.KOI8-B.

Note that the locale is reset to the user’s default for each new file that is read. This is so that locales from one file do not accidentally carry over into another file.

Other lines should begin with a month and day. They may be entered in almost any format, either numeric or as character strings. If proper locale is set, national months and weekdays names can be used. A single asterisk (’*’) matches every month. A day without a month matches that day of every week. A month without a day matches the first of that month. Two numbers default to the month followed by the day. Lines with leading tabs default to the last entered date, allowing multiple line specifications for a single date. ’’Easter’’ (may be followed by a positive or negative integer) is Easter for this year. ’’Paskha’’ (may be followed by a positive or negative integer) is Orthodox Easter for this year. Weekdays may be followed by ’’-4’’ ... ’’+5’’ (aliases last, first, second, third, fourth) for moving events like ’’the last Monday in April’’.

By convention, dates followed by an asterisk (’*’) are not fixed, i.e., change from year to year.

Day descriptions start after the first <tab> character in the line; if the line does not contain a <tab> character, it isn’t printed out. If the first character in the line is a <tab> character, it is treated as the continuation of the previous description.

The calendar file is preprocessed by cpp(1), allowing the inclusion of shared files such as company holidays or meetings. If the shared file is not referenced by a full pathname, cpp(1) searches in the current (or home) directory first, and then in the directory directory /etc/calendar, and finally in /usr/share/calendar. Empty lines and lines protected by the C commenting syntax (/* ... */) are ignored.

Some possible calendar entries (a \t sequence denotes a <tab> character):


#include <calendar.usholiday>
#include <calendar.birthday>

6/15\tJune 15 (if ambiguous, will default to month/day).
Jun. 15\tJune 15.
15 June\tJune 15.
Thursday\tEvery Thursday.
June\tEvery June 1st.
15 *\t15th of every month.

May Sun+2\tsecond Sunday in May (Muttertag)
04/SunLast\tlast Sunday in April,
summer time in Europe
Ostern-2\tGood Friday (2 days before Easter)
Paskha\tOrthodox Easter


The calendar command will only display lines that use a <tab> character to separate the date and description, or that begin with a <tab>. This is different than in previous releases.

The -t flag argument syntax is from the original FreeBSD calendar program.

The -l and -w flags are Debian-specific enhancements. Also, the original calendar program did not accept 0 as an argument to the -A flag.

Using ’utf-8’ as a locale name is a Debian-specific enhancement.


The calendar program previously selected lines which had the correct date anywhere in the line. This is no longer true: the date is only recognized when it occurs at the beginning of a line.


calendar doesn’t handle all Jewish holidays or moon phases.

BSD July 18, 2013 BSD


A calendar command appeared in Version 7 AT&T UNIX.

see also cal endar

File in current directory.


Directory in the user’s home directory (which calendar changes into, if it exists).


File to use if no calendar file exists in the current directory.


calendar will not send mail if this file exists.


International and national calendar files.


Births and deaths of famous (and not-so-famous) people.


Christian holidays (should be updated yearly by the local system administrator so that roving holidays are set correctly for the current year).

Days of special significance to computer people.


Croatian calendar.


Discordian calendar (all rites reversed).


Fantasy and fiction dates (mostly LOTR).


French calendar.


German calendar.


Miscellaneous history.

Other holidays (including the not-well-known, obscure, and really obscure).


Jewish holidays (should be updated yearly by the local system administrator so that roving holidays are set correctly for the current year).

Musical events, births, and deaths (strongly oriented toward rock n’ roll).


OpenBSD related events.


Pagan holidays, celebrations and festivals.


Russian calendar.

Cosmic history.


U.S. history.


U.S. holidays.

World wide calendar.

at , cal, cpp , mail, cron

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